If you don't want to use our predefined support contact form, you can also make your own frontend interface to your customers. You can then communicate with our backend to create a ticket to your workspace using our REST API.
In order to create a ticket call the following API route as POST request:
Where {workspace} is your workspace hash name. You can find it in your system API settings. Also you need an API token for every request to our API for security reasons. An API token is automatically generated on registration, but you can generate new tokens in the system settings menu. The following post data fields are supported:
Field | Description | Required |
apitoken |
The workspace API token | Required |
subject |
The subject of the ticket | Required, minimum 5 chars |
text |
The ticket text | Required, maximum 4096 chars |
name |
The name of the customer | Required |
email |
The e-mail address of the customer | Required |
type |
Ticket type | Required, must match the ID of one of your created ticket types |
prio |
Ticket priority | Required, 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high |
attachment |
A file to be attached | Optional |
The API endpoint will return a JSON response in order to provide your frontend with the operation result. The JSON response will contain a status code of the operation named 'code' and a field 'data' that holds additional data depending on the result of the operation. Also it will hold the concerned workspace. The following response status codes are possible:
Code | Description | Additional data |
404 Not Found |
403 Forbidden |
500 Internal Server Error |
429 Too Many Requests |
You tried to create too many tickets in a period of time | Field ‚ticket_wait_time‘ that holds the time in seconds you have to wait until you may create a ticket again |
201 Created |
The ticket has been created | Field ‚data‘ containing the stored ticket data |
An example response can look like the following:
"code": "201",
"workspace": "(A workspace hash name)",
"data": {
(Ticket creation data)
In order to query specific ticket information you can call:
Field | Description | Required |
apitoken |
The workspace API token | Required |
hash |
The hash of a ticket of your workspace | Required |
"code": "200",
"workspace": "(A workspace hash name)",
"data": {
(Ticket information data)
To retrieve ticket thread posts you can call:
Field | Description | Required |
apitoken |
The workspace API token | Required |
hash |
The hash of a ticket of your workspace | Required |
paginate |
Thread posts below this ID will be returned | Optional |
limit |
Maximum amount of returned thread posts | Optional, default 10 |
"code": "200",
"workspace": "(A workspace hash name)",
"ticket": "(The associated ticket hash)",
"data": {
(Ticket thread data)
In order to get a list of attachments you can call:
Field | Description | Required |
apitoken |
The workspace API token | Required |
hash |
The hash of a ticket of your workspace | Required |
"code": "200",
"workspace": "(A workspace hash name)",
"ticket": "(The associated ticket hash)",
"data": {
(Ticket attachment data)
In order to add a customer comment you can call:
Field | Description | Required |
apitoken |
The workspace API token | Required |
hash |
The hash of a ticket of your workspace | Required |
text |
The text content | Required |
"code": "200",
"workspace": "(A workspace hash name)",
"ticket": "(The associated ticket hash)",
"cmt_id": "(ID of the added comment)"
In order to edit a customer comment you can call:
Field | Description | Required |
apitoken |
The workspace API token | Required |
hash |
The hash of a ticket of your workspace | Required |
cmt_id |
The ID of the comment | Required |
text |
The new text content to be stored | Required |
"code": "200",
"workspace": "(A workspace hash name)",
"ticket": "(The associated ticket hash)",
"cmt_id": "(ID of the edited comment)"
In order to add a ticket attachment you can call:
Field | Description | Required |
apitoken |
The workspace API token | Required |
hash |
The hash of a ticket of your workspace | Required |
attachment |
File to be added | Required |
"code": "200",
"workspace": "(A workspace hash name)",
"ticket": "(The associated ticket hash)",
"file": {
(Attachment info)
In order to delete a ticket attachment you can call:
Field | Description | Required |
apitoken |
The workspace API token | Required |
hash |
The hash of a ticket of your workspace | Required |
file_id |
The ID of the attachment | Required |
"code": "200",
"workspace": "(A workspace hash name)",
"ticket": "(The associated ticket hash)",
"success": "(true on success)"
You can also use the embeddable widget in order to let users create support requests comfortably from your website. When enabled and activated then a support icon will be shown in the bottom right corner of your page which users can use to open a form to enter their support request data. After successfully submitting the form, a new ticket will be created for the requesting user.
In order to embed the widget, you need to activate the feature in your system settings. There is a separate key for the widget feature in order to keep things distinguishable. Similar to the REST API key, you can also always generate a new widget API key whenever you want.
The following code describes a basic widget initialization.
<script src="https://www.helprealm.net/js/widget.js"></script>
<div id="support-widget"></div>
let widget = new HelpRealmWidget({
elem: '#support-widget',
workspace: 'your-workspace-hash',
apiKey: 'your-widget-api-key',
header: 'url/to/your/header/image.png',
logo: 'url/to/your/logo/image.png',
button: 'url/to/your/button/image.png',
btnborder: 'widget button border style on opened form',
fileUpload: true,
lang: {
title: 'Contact Us!',
lblInputName: 'Enter your name',
lblInputEmail: 'Enter your E-Mail',
lblInputSubject: 'What is your topic?',
lblInputMessage: 'What is on your mind?',
lblInputFile: 'Attachment (optional)',
btnSubmit: 'Submit',
error: 'Elem {elem} is invalid or missing',
access: 'Access denied!',
ticket: {
type: 1,
prio: 1
The following methods are also available:
Method | Description |
showWidget(flag) |
Show or hide widget depending on the boolean flag value |
toggleWidget() |
Toggle the widget depending on the current visibility state |
isOpened() |
Returns true or false depending on whether the widget support form is currently openend |
release() |
Should be called whenever your widget instance shall be released |
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