Is this service free?
Yes, this service is 100% free! There are no advertisements and no premium features or in-app purchases. This service is considered a hobby.
Are there any limitations?
No. You can manage as many tickets as you want, employ as many agents as you want as well as create as many groups as you want. The only required thing is to abide by our terms and conditions and by federal law.
What tech stack are you using?
The software of this service is built with Laravel 10, VueJS, Bulma CSS, MetroUI and FontAwesome.
What are the key features?
Support your customers via a custom ticket creation form, e-mail ticketing and our API (REST or JavaScript Widget)
What is the target audience of this service?
This service is just a testing instance of HelpRealm. If you need a real production ready service, you need to look for something else. However if you want to support the project and want to test around, feel free to sign up.
Who can I contact when I have questions?
Just send us an e-mail to support@helprealm.net and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Where is the documentation?
We are still building our documentation in a separate place. But be aware that our ticket system is very easy and self-explanatory to use. Feel free to contact us if something is unclear.
Is this service production ready?
No. This service is a testing instance of the HelpRealm software for testers.